Delivering investment management strategies that target individualized goals.

With more than 30 years of experience in the financial industry, The Puri Group has invested clients' capital throughout the course of many investment cycles. This keen understanding of institutional markets and economic environments is the cornerstone of our practice and an important component to help navigate the complexities of significant wealth.

Experience-driven capabilities
As a member of the J.P. Morgan Wealth Management Portfolio Manager Program, I stand among a small group of advisors that manage discretionary client investments and are subject to regular quantitative and qualitative reviews. This due diligence and exacting attention to detail enables me to actively manage assets on behalf of individual clients. We are empowered to manage portfolios based upon our deep investment capabilities and investment philosophy.
My team and I are long-term thinkers and seek quality and value among market opportunities. Our primary objective is to provide capital preservation and income generation in a tailored fashion to address each client's specific financial goals.
Conservatively biased approach
The group's focus is trained on the development of conservative investment strategies and we design balanced portfolios that consist of equities and fixed-income vehicles which are managed in-house. Care is taken to match risk to tolerance and need. ETFs may be used to help provide broad market exposure.
We believe this approach helps provide for consistent returns in a tax-efficient and diversified manner which many clients require. Our team is proud to deliver the highest level of customer care to help families stay the course.

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Wealth Planning

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