About Kent

Kent Huang is an Executive Director and Wealth Advisor at J.P. Morgan Wealth Management.

Kent views his role as that of a relationship manager and advises private clients, business owners and members of the Asian-American community on their investments, asset allocation, acquisition and exit strategies, as well as guiding them on their financial, retirement and estate planning.

In a career spanning more than two decades, Kent has delivered comprehensive wealth planning strategies and financial advisory services to a diverse group of both domestic and international clients. Prior to joining J.P. Morgan in 2011, he was a Senior Vice President at RBC Wealth Management. Kent began his investment management career at Citigroup Smith Barney (now Morgan Stanley) in 2002, directly after graduate school.

A graduate of the University of California at Los Angeles, where he earned a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Kent also received an M.B.A. in Finance and Investments from the University of Southern California. In addition, he holds the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® designation.

Born in Taiwan, Kent grew up in California, and speaks fluent Mandarin and Taiwanese.

CFP Board owns the marks CFP®and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® in the U.S.



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