Christine FongChristine Fong
Investment Specialist

About Christine

Christine is an Investment Specialist with J.P. Morgan Wealth Management.

In her role, she works closely with the various strategists, asset class leaders, and product professionals across the firm to bring the vast investable universe of J.P. Morgan into digestible strategies for clients. Christine supports advisors with implementing different products based on clients' individual needs and goals. She also takes an active role in the construction and allocation of client portfolios.

Christine has held a variety of roles at J.P. Morgan, most recently as an Investment Associate for a wealth management team, where she served as a research/ portfolio analyst on several investment strategies. She has also spent time in roles focused on transitioning and onboarding new advisors and their clients to the firm. Before joining J.P. Morgan, Christine worked in the hospitality industry. Born in Hong Kong, she reads and speaks Cantonese and Mandarin. Christine is a graduate of Baruch College and has a B.B.A. in Finance.



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