The Tafani Group

"We recognize that no two clients, no two goals, no two plans or risk profiles are alike."
About The Tafani Group


We recognize that no two clients, no two goals, no two plans or risk profiles are alike. Accordingly, the members of our team focus on one client at a time and tailor investment portfolios to reflect individualized needs. We deliver attentive, highly personalized service for wealthy families, corporations and institutions.
The Tafani Group believes that in-depth insight leads to the most appropriately differentiated portfolios. Our team spends the time getting to know you and your deepest aspirations, obligations, market experience and tolerance for volatility. We couple this with enduring availability and thoughtful care to help you pursue your distinctive objectives.
With investment proficiencies built over two decades of wealth management experience, we confidently implement complex, sophisticated and challenging financial strategies. Backed by the global power and resources of J.P. Morgan, we afford our clients the widest possible range of capabilities and services.

Meet Our Team



How AI can boost productivity and jump start growth

July 25, 2024Our analytic framework quantifies the potential economic impact of AI. We believe it could be transformative.Read Now

Eye on the Market: The lion in winter

July 23, 2024In the latest Eye on the Market: The Lion in Winter, Michael Cembalest, Chairman of Market and Investment Strategy for J.P. Morgan Asset and Wealth Management, reflects on the current state of small-cap stocks as well as the recent CrowdStrike outage.Read Now
Wealth Planning

Insight 7: Develop a capable and committed rising generation

July 23, 2024Members of the younger generation are the future stewards of the family enterprise, so it is important to invest time and resources in cultivating their interests and skills.Read Now
Personalized guidance begins with a conversation.
Access the firm-wide capabilities of a global financial leader at your side. Take the next step to unlock new opportunities that align with your financial goals.