Wealth Partners
Kasandra Schindler

"With over 20 years of financial management experience, Kasandra delivers asset allocation analysis and recommendations, retirement services, multigenerational wealth strategies, tax-efficient investment approaches and third-party manager selection."
About Kasandra Schindler


Kasandra Schindler's clients are high-net-worth individuals, mostly business owners and entrepreneurs, who have complex financial lives. Her goal is to not only protect their earned wealth, but to afford her clients the luxury of knowing that their finances are as professionally managed as their business affairs.
With over 20 years of financial management experience, Kasandra delivers asset allocation analysis and recommendations, retirement services, multigenerational wealth strategies, tax-efficient investment approaches and third-party manager selection.
Informed investing
Kasandra believes that the first step to a sound comprehensive wealth management strategy is to know each client and build a trusted relationship with them.
She invests the time to determine what vexes her clients the most, and takes a keen interest in understanding what drives them: Who and what are most important to them? How do they feel about retirement? The next generation? When will they need their money, and how long is their investment timeline?
A tailored approach
Her approach includes an analysis of clients' current investment portfolios and their previous market experiences. From these insights, Kasandra designs appropriate asset allocations that are matched to each client's specific goals and risk tolerance.
Recognizing that entrepreneurs and business owners often have significant equity tied up in their businesses, making liquidity strategies an important issue, she balances short-term cash management needs and longer-term investment goals.
Kasandra leverages the firm's resources and third-party managers to carefully construct and manage tailored investment portfolios, choosing among equities, fixed income, exchange-traded funds and mutual funds.
Her strategic and tactical investment decisions reflect each individual's distinctive financial objectives.
An array of services
Kasandra has direct access to J.P. Morgan's industry-leading Research and Due Diligence Teams, employing their macro and strategic analyses in developing investment plans and ideas.
She taps the firm's global resources to offer vast products and strategies—from personal lines of credit to sophisticated lending services and banking products.
Ongoing oversight
Kasandra meets with clients on a regular basis to discuss benchmark comparisons and progress against their established goals. She refines strategies to accommodate changes to personal situations and evolving market conditions.
Her clients rely on her to navigate through their ongoing comprehensive wealth management needs and help relieve the financial stress that often accommodates reaching one's financial goals.

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Kasandra Schindler– Specialist in Business Owners
Prepare your business to succeed without you

Congratulations. To build and sustain your business, you've made informed and calculated decisions. You've researched markets, selected partners, hired employees, located real estate and negotiated more contracts than you care to remember.
From this point on, you'll need to make additional decisions no less important—to plan for when your company must stand on its own. You see, while business owners typically come to advisors with goals in mind, they often stay with those advisors for their ability to provide comprehensive exit planning strategies, in advance of key decisions.
We expect you're occupied with the day-to-day tasks of running your company. Still, it's wise to set aside time to examine your achievements and what stands in your way of achieving more—perhaps, for generations to come.



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